Thursday, November 09, 2006

Dry Ground or Ready Soil?

New Zealand is a place known for its outdoor beauty. The two islands have created a culture for adventurous people. Kiwis are tough. They also take great pride in their accomplishments and abilities. In fact, it’s easy to find labels boasting the words “Made in New Zealand” on just about any kind of product. But for all that these islanders have going for them, they don’t realize that they are in the midst of a spiritual desert.
We have discovered this reality as we’ve engaged in spiritual conversations with students on the campuses here. We’ve found an unhealthy indifference to death and the possibility of life after death. As we’ve shared about Christ’s love with several of the university students and presented evidence for our faith, we’ve often come to the end our conversations with them finding that they might be able to agree with us intellectually, yet unable to believe in God without anything shy of witnessing repeated miracles for themselves.
Our hearts break for the spirit of unwillingness in New Zealanders to believe. The good news is that God is all about working miracles! And it serves as a clear reminder to us that we desperately need to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of these young people to bring about soft and changed hearts toward Christ… to bring about springs in the desert!