Friday, May 11, 2007

Alcohol in New Zealand - The Hard Facts

I'm continuing to attempt to get my head around all the cultural differences between New Zealand and the United States. One thing I blogged about earlier concerned a travel ad on campus that encouraged drinking. A dynamic that will be very real to our missional approach here is dealing with the fact that most college students drink... legally (drinking age is 18 in NZ). I dug some facts on drinking as it relates to university students here. The figures are sobering to swallow.

* Between 58% and 65% of NZ students have been out binge ("binge" being defined as six or more drinks in a row)
drinking in the past two weeks.

* Drinking and driving accidents are the No. 1 killer of New Zealanders aged 18-24.

* 84% of the students at one NZ University have been impacted negatively by other students' drinking, including humiliation, sexual harassment, and rape. [ALAC media release 4.24.2004]

* One in six students ended up in a sexual situation they were not happy with after drinking. [Adam et al, 2000]

* 87% of students survey at another NZ University reported at least one alcohol-related harm in the past year. [Adam et al, 2000]
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Making Disciples

In order to teach God's Word and make disciples who make disciples, we have put students together in what we call Life Transformation Groups (LTGs). We've borrow this idea from the California based church-planter, Neil Cole. What I love that it creates an atmosphere that promotes intimate friendships, spiritual growth, faith challenges, and accountability. Students, split up by men and women, meet together in LTGs of 3-4 people on a weekly basis. Everyone really seems to enjoy the feel of this type of learning environment.

[Left to Right - George, Matt, Chris, Aidrian]

These are some very large and very strong men who love Jesus! Chris Burton on our team has raised up this LTG group of guys who are new believers. Though they are young in their faith super thrilled about walking with Christ. They have really meshed well as they’ve met together to study the Word and apply it to their lives.

[Left to Right - Niki, Jen, Jessie, Jill]

My wife Jill, though she is laboring hard at being a full-time mommy, has one day a week that gets to spend on campus doing ministry. A major highlight every Thursday for her is spending time with her own LTG group. Jessie, a first year student, came to Christ a few months ago with one of our other teammates, Sarah. Sarah bought her a bible and she has been very eager to read and learn more about God’s Word and what it means to be a believer. Jill has been going through the book of 1 John with her and Jessie has also started reading through the Bible (hoping to read it completely) on her own accord. She said that she wanted to understand more about God and she figured the best way would be to read the Bible straight through! Good job Jessie.
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A Taste of New Zealand

Since our arrival in New Zealand, we have experienced the goodness of God in providing houses, cars, furniture, and friends. So we just want to thank Him again. We continue to still be blown away by His provision for us!

I just wanted to share with you more about how we are proceeding building spiritual movements everywhere in New Zealand. Part of our approach to ministry in Wellington is to establish a spiritual movement that is highly relational and natural. We hope that students will gain a heart for what we call “Oikos Evangelism”. (Oikos is a Greek word meaning household or community. This method for extending the gospel to others is very evident throughout the Book of Acts.) This method of engaging in missions revolves around the idea that God has set up existing communities on campus and around the city with the intent that they would be a natural conduit for the Gospel to go out. Our responsibility then is to go (Matthew 28:18-20) to these oikos groups and be a light in the darkness rather than create a new, artificial community that would pull students/people out of a place where people need to hear about Christ. We pray that students will invest in the natural Oikos groups that are around them in order to spread the awesome truth about Jesus Christ!

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