Monday, November 17, 2008

Water for Christmas

The following is a little piece my wife Jill wrote for our most recent newsletter:
Over the last year God has been deepening my heart for issues pertaining to “Social Justice”. I have several friends that have adopted kids from Africa and reading their Family Blogs has been “eye-opening” to say the least. As I have been studying the book of Isaiah God brought to my attention this verse: “Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the orphan, plead the cause of the widow.” Isaiah 1:17. So, the Lord recently brought something across my path and I am very excited to be helping this Christmas to raise money to dig wells in Africa. Did you know that Americans spend $450 billion dollars a year at Christmas and it would only take $10 billion to solve the world’s water problem? Please visit: and see what we are up to!
I really appreciate and admire Jill's heart for such things. Together, we think this is an awesome opportunity and possibly achievable in this generation... it just means we have to be less consumeristic over the Christmas season and more generous... crazy thought, huh? We also started a Facebook Group, Water for Christmas, that grew from around 50 to over 1,000 members in less than one week. We hope that those who join the group would be willing to give to this and provide clean water to people in Africa. A little bit from a whole lot of us can go a great distance! Hope you might want to join us too.
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