Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Homecoming :: We are returning to the United States

[The Felix Family, Wellington Botanical Gardens - 2010]

At the time of writing this blog, it will be less than 100 days until our family will be back on U.S. soil again! It is with both excitement and bittersweet sentiments that we share this news with you.
It was shortly after our marriage in 2005 that Jill and I believed God was calling us to leave the United States and move to New Zealand in order to pioneer a new Campus Crusade for Christ movement. In September of 2006, we landed in Wellington with our 4 month old son (Isaac) to embark upon that mission. We committed to give the next 3-5 years of our lives to sowing the seeds of the Gospel, seeing lost students come to know the Lord, and raising up Christ-centered Kiwi students who would lead their peers and nation in the pursuit of God and the Great Commission.
In August of this year, our family will transition back to the United States to pursue a new role within Campus Crusade for Christ, working out of the Great Plains Regional Office in Colorado. There are many factors and reasons that have influenced this decision, but ultimately, God has made it clear that He has plans for us to serve Him in a greater capacity than we are now. We’ve greatly enjoyed serving the Lord in New Zealand and have become very fond of each one of the students who makes up the Campus Movement here. Still, our hearts grow eager to discover the ways in which God will choose to use us to build His Kingdom as we return to our own country.
What does this mean for Wellington Studentlife? It is our prayer that after laboring here for the past four years that God has helped us to build a solid foundation that will allow the movement to continue on far beyond our time. In the midst of our transition, the students will continue to be shepherded by the amazing staff team that is currently in place. By the end of 2010 there will be another STINT team coming from the United States to serve throughout the next year. Arriving with that team will be another married staff couple (Ryan & Katie Sawrie, Purdue graduates) who are committed to taking over the leadership role for the next year or longer. We will share more with you about this staff couple in the coming months. But, I can tell you presently that they are very excited for the opportunity to lead here in New Zealand!
Again, we are so grateful to the Lord for the opportunity that He has given to us to be a part of His mission here in New Zealand. It has been a privilege and an honor to work amongst and beside so many amazing Kiwi brothers and sisters in Christ. We have seen lives transformed and have labored to make Christ known! We would appreciate your prayers for our family as we prepare to move back overseas. Please pray for our boys to transition well. We will keep you updated on all the changes that will be taking place for us personally and with our mission, as well as how you can continue to partner with us in the midst of them. We also look forward to the opportunity to connect with many of you upon our return home. God bless.
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1 comment:

Jason said...

Sweet! We're looking forward to seeing you guys again. The GPI RO was a tons of fun (and work) and I loved serving there. They're really fortunate to have you guys joining the team.